Bombay Popcorn Recipe

Try this savoury popcorn recipe using our Bombay Potato Spice Mix. 

By Kevin Fernandez
1 min read

Rafi's Bombay Popcorn Recipe

Serves: 2 - 3/4 - 6 Ready in: 10 minutes


When we said our Bombay Potato Spice Blend was versatile, this is what we meant. 

Make your own Rafi’s Bombay Popcorn for a delicious, savoury snack to eat while you watch your favourite movie.


 Serves 4 - 6

Bombay Potato Spice Mix 
2 tbsp oil
100g popping corn
Sugar and salt to taste 


  1. Finely chop the contents of the Bombay Potato Spice Mix. 
  2. Fry in 1 tbsp of vegetable oil in a shallow pan for 5 - 6 minutes.
  3. Heat the remaining oil in a separate, large lidded pan. Add the popping corn and mix well. Keep on a medium-hot heat and stir continuously.
  4. As soon as the corn starts to pop, cover and shake the pan regularly and cook until all the corn has popped.
  5. Whilst the popcorn is still warm, add the fried spices and mix well. Season with salt and sugar to taste. Enjoy!

You will need

1 of 4

Written by

Kevin Fernandez

Rafi’s son, Kevin joined in 2004 when the York shop opened, although he remembers the day the family were stacking shelves in the first shop in Sudbury. Kevin has inherited his mum's passion for cooking and teaching people about Indian food. Kevin now manages the business, nurturing his mother's legacy and sharing his passion for great food.