Rafi's Chicken Curry

A favourite in the Fernandez household.

By Kevin Fernandez
1 min read

Rafi's Chicken Curry

Serves: 4 - 6 Ready in: 1 hour


Rafi's sons, Lee and Kevin grew up eating variations of this dish and they still have very fond memories of it. Rafi would use a whole chicken including bones and skin, and everyone would fight over who got the legs and thighs which have the best flavour and texture.


 Serves 4 - 6

4 Cloves
6 Green Cardamom
5cm Cinnamon Stick
3 Star Anise
8 Curry Leaves
1 tsp Chinese Five Spice
1 tsp Turmeric 
1 large onion
4 garlic cloves
4 tbsp mild curry paste
1.6kg chicken
115g Creamed Coconut
400g Tinned Tomatoes
1/2 tsp sugar
Coriander to garnish
Salt to taste 



  1. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the cloves, cardamoms, cinnamon, star anise and curry leaves over a medium heat for about 5 minutes (the curry leaves should be slightly burnt).
  2. Add the onion, ginger and garlic, and fry until brown.
  3. Add the curry paste, five spice and turmeric, and fry until the oil separates.
  4. Add the chicken pieces and mix well. When all the pieces are sealed, cover the pan and cook until the meat is nearly done.
  5. Add the chopped tomatoes and the creamed coconut. Simmer gently until the coconut dissolves.
  6. Mix well and add the sugar and salt. Sprinkle with fresh coriander

You will need

  • Green Cardamom 45g

    Green Cardamom 45g

    Regular price £4.95
    Sale price £4.95 Regular price
  • Cinnamon Sticks 45g

    Cinnamon Sticks 45g

    Regular price £3.95
    Sale price £3.95 Regular price
  • Star Anise 25g

    Star Anise 25g

    Regular price £4.95
    Sale price £4.95 Regular price
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Recipe from

The Rafi's Spicebox Cookbook

In 2016, we released the Rafi’s Spicebox Cookbook with recipes all based on Indian flavours and concepts. Some of them have evolved from Rafi’s original recipes and others from our team's travel to India and beyond. This book was written to inspire you to cook the best food that you can. If we can encourage you to enjoy the whole process of cooking these dishes and sharing them with family or friends, our work is done. We’re very proud of these dishes, and hope to hear what you’ve done with them in your own kitchen!