Coconut Milk or Creamed Coconut?

Learn the difference between coconut milk and creamed coconut. 

By Kevin Fernandez
3 min read

Creamed Coconut Rafi's Spicebox

How is coconut milk and creamed coconut made?

The process of making both coconut milk and creamed coconut is quite simple; the coconut flesh (which is sometimes referred to as the coconut “meat” is grated, followed by soaking in hot water; during this process, the coconut cream will rise to the top and is skimmed off, similar to dairy cream. The liquid which remains is poured through a cheesecloth and squeezed, resulting in coconut milk!

What is the difference between coconut milk and creamed coconut?

We often find that some of our customers are pretty unfamiliar with creamed coconut when their recipe calls for it. Regularly we're asked if it can be replaced with coconut milk; now, we can't stop you, however, the dish you produce will have a different texture and taste to the one expected. Let us explain why...

Creamed coconut is made up of both the coconut flesh and oils which makes for a thicker consistency and adds more texture when used in curries such as our Korma, Tikka Masala and Rogan Josh recipes. When cutting your block of creamed coconut (pictured below), we recommend slicing it lengthways for an even blend of both coconut flesh and oils - as you'll see in the image below, there is a clear separation between the oils and flesh in the packaging, this is natural, don't worry!

Coconut milk is a blend of coconut and water; we stock both coconut milk and light coconut milk. The difference between the two is that the light version simply contains less coconut flesh. The addition of coconut milk to a curry will result in a thinner, lighter texture which is perfect for our Goan Green, Mulligatanni and the Thai range.

Essentially, all you need to remember is:

What are the health benefits of coconut milk?

Well, we aren't scientists! But we've done a little bit of research and we discovered that coconuts contain lauric acid, which is said to be easily absorbed and used as energy in the body; it can also be converted into a compound called monolaurin, which apparently has antibacterial properties! We say, bring on the coconuts!

As we mentioned earlier, we currently stock Biona coconut milk. We like Biona because it's made from certified organic coconuts and gives our dishes a rich, sweet and silky finish. It doesn’t contain any artificial stabilisers or additives; which is always a bonus! By choosing to pair your much-loved Curry Pack with a high-quality coconut milk means there is no compromise on flavour. Win, win!

How to make coconut milk from creamed coconut?

For making coconut milk dissolve 100g of Creamed Coconut in 300ml of boiled water. This will be equivalent to the 400ml tin. 

When using in the packs it is even easier as the coconut and additional water can just be added straight into the pan alongside the Curry Pack. Everything can dissolve and emulsify together. 

  • Curry Pack (Serves 4 - 6) - add 100g Creamed Coconut and an additional 300ml water.
  • Curry Pack (Serves 2 - 3) - add 50g Creamed Coconut and an additional 150ml water.

Please note this water is additional to the water advised on the Curry Pack instructions. 

We’d love to hear if these tips have helped you in the kitchen. Let us know your feedback on our Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. We love to see your curry creations, so please send us your foodie photos across.

Coconut products

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Written by

Kevin Fernandez

Rafi’s son, Kevin joined in 2004 when the York shop opened, although he remembers the day the family were stacking shelves in the first shop in Sudbury. Kevin has inherited his mum's passion for cooking and teaching people about Indian food. Kevin now manages the business, nurturing his mother's legacy and sharing his passion for great food.